Friday, 22 December 2006

Occupied Pakistan

While going through an interesting book namely ‘Occupied Pakistan’ by Abid ullah Jan I found some interesting paragraphs related to the issues of attempts towards contamination of pure deen the Deen e Islam both by British & their British agents like Sir Syed ahmed Khan and Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyiani etc and thought i should share it with you so thats why I m posting it . I hope the members will find it thought provoking and out of the ordinary.

To find out vulnerable points for an onslaught or slow poisoning, British researchers studied every aspect of Muslims’ life. They found out that Muslims are prone to sectarianism and mischief in the name of religion. Although the germs were in existence before British occupation of India, but colonial rulers systematically nourished them for close to two centuries. These conflicts and disagreements have now become part of our life for ever.Muslims entered the sub-continent in 712 from the South and in 1000 A.D under Mehmood Ghaznavi (even though they started visiting much earlier) from the North. All these Muslims had strong faith and were united. This strength and unity lasted until 18th century. Hindu religious leaders were in waiting for a suitable opportunity to strike. They never came out for an open confrontation with Islam. They always attacked all alien religions in disguise. Conversion of more and more Hindus to Islam spread deep anxiety among high caste Hindus. Using different tactics, they put some Muslims to practicing Shirk. Tasawo’af and Salook, earlier used for the propagation of Islam, were exploited for spreading shirk and bid’at.Some of the Muslims started worshiping graves like Hindus. The Muslims also started using the same attributes for Aoliya –ullah, which the Hindus used for their deities. Malang, Faqir,half-naked Babas – clad in yellow (Hindu’s sacred religious colour) sheets also appeared among Muslims. It used to be a norm among Hindus but now the Muslims started mixing Islam and Hindu religion together.

British paid special attention to this issue and spent large sums to construct new Maz’ar and sponsor fake Pir. Most of them were Hindus in the guise of Muslims. They were even provided with estates so that they may effectively distract Muslims from the real teachings of Islam. Thousands of fake Pir and Maz’ars are still misleading Muslims both in India and Pakistan.Similarly, Mirza Qadiani was actively promoted. This curse is still haunting theMuslims of the sub-continent. Misconception about Jihad has reached far and wide. Sir Syed promoted another sect of the half-Sir and half-Syed people. They started considering themselves enlightened interpreters of Islam. Their slave mentality and inferiority complex still forces them to go against the Qur’an. Their hallmark is to go against every edict of Qur’an, which becomes target of Western criticism. They believe they are defending Islam from being labelled as medieval. In fact, they are striking at the roots of Islam.At the same time, British promoted people such as Abdullah Chakarralwi, who repudiated all Hadiths. In short, during colonial era, sectarianism among Muslims spread like wild fire. Due to the same influence, some Brahman are sitting on the seats of Syed and Shah and Mashaikh, and millions of Muslims are paying them taxes for forwarding their mercy petition to Allah and granting them heaven in an easy manner. They have put bangles of cowardice in Muslim hands, which can no longer even imagine of going to war for Allah, because Jihad has become a curse and exercise in futility for them.

Everyday new Maz’ar projects are launched after having new dreams. The millions in income from these Maz’ar go to families of fake Pir. As a result, thousands of Muslims fight among themselves on pity issues like Rafa’yadeen and Ameen-bil-jeher . These local trends are now being promoted on global scale. Different groups are promoted in the name of modernity, moderation and liberalism. “War within Islam” is actively promoted for diluting the real message of Islam in the name of re-interpretation and enlightenment. While the core of Islam is under heavy onslaught by the enemies of Islam, we are needlessly struggling to save our respective branches.

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